You want someone skilled, someone who knows what she is doing to assist you.
Since I don't know what help you would like, let me tell you something about myself. That way you can decide if we're a good fit.
I'm Cathy Chapman and I've been a psychotherapist since 1976. I moved to Sedona, AZ in 2013 and my social work license didn't transfer with me.
The knowledge and skills I've acquired did transfer. I am now a life coach focusing on spiritual and emotional expansion. Due to my decades of working with people as a trained therapist, I bring to my coaching much more than most coaches.
Over the years I've integrated spirituality, psychotherapy, energy based healing and hypnotherapy into a powerful process which will assist you in blasting through the blocks preventing you from being the amazing individual you are.
When I was a therapist I worked from a spiritual and energetic model rather than the traditional medical model.
The traditional medical model identifies people by what is wrong with them.
We, you and I, do this from a spiritual and energetic model rather than the "what's wrong with you" model.
My goal is to assist you in identifying the gifts you have and removing the blocks keeping you from activating those gifts to their highest potential.
We, that's the two of us, design a plan of action, a map of your Odyssey, to your ultimate goal.
The spiritual model is based upon the belief people are perfect spiritual beings who came into their physical body to explore life and, believe it or not, have fun.
Each and every life event can, if you allow, lead to spiritual and emotional growth.
Common limiting beliefs such as "I'm not good enough," "I'm unlovable," "Only bad things happen to me," "My value depends upon what I do," are spiritual issues that sabotage healthy relationships with God, yourself and others.
They hide the brilliant light you are from yourself and from the world.
You are made in the image and likeness of God. Since God is Love, you are Love. You, me, everyone is learning to be the Love through the ups and downs of life.
Through the energetic model I use my powerful tools to repair the damage in your energy field from the painful experiences of life.
If you are anxious we identify and resolve the energy of anxiety found in the anatomy, the parts, of your energy field. The same with insecurity, depression, painful relationships and more.
My life purpose is journeying with those like yourself who are ready to heal the past and discover the truth of who you are.
My own continuing journey to wholeness prepares me to share what I've discovered about spiritual growth.
If interested, I'd be glad to share more about my life story. Just keep reading.
However, if you'd prefer to read about the healing tools I use, please go here.
I began life as what is known as a "cradle Catholic." The French side of my family has been Roman Catholic for centuries. I was a pretty traditional Catholic for my childhood and teen years.
In 1975 I entered the convent as a Dominican Sister of Houston, TX. There I remained for 20 years.
Those fruitful 20 years taught me much about spiritual growth, living with others and the struggle to be my authentic self.
While in the convent I was introduced to Centering Prayer, a mystical form of prayer. I began to experience God being within me and not some being somewhere "out there."
Towards the end of my convent sojourn, I was introduced to energy work through Healing Touch™. This precipitated a radical change in my spiritual life as well as beginning years of study of various forms of energy work.
The experience of God, Higher Power, All That Is, Universal Love, became a constant and daily reality. Some of the multitude of spiritual helpers on the inner planes began to reveal themselves to me. (You have your own set of helpers.)
Soon I became aware of the dark side of the spiritual world and discovered my path included re-membering the dark to the Light. I call this process Spiritual Lovefare.
As my involvement in mysticism grew, I found the structure of the convent restrictive and chose to leave.
On an academic level, my doctorate is in Mind/Body Psychology from The Union Institute and University in Cincinnati. I also have a Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology from Stephen F. Austin State University and a Master of Arts in Theology from the University of Notre Dame.
I was a Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW) for about 30+ years. I let that license go when it couldn't follow me to Arizona. I did become a Certified Hypnotherapist (C.Ht.).
As I integrated my spirituality and my professional practice, my spiritual growth continued through my studies of various forms of mysticism and prayer.
This resulted in me being given by Spirit a powerful healing prayer while working with clients. The Soul Healing Prayer is simple 5-Step healing prayer anyone can use for healing.
I've also studied The BodyTalk System and PSYCH-K™. Through these powerful tools I am able to connect with innate wisdom, God's love and grace, and facilitate balance in your body as well as implant belief systems supportive for your life goals.
I also work with your smallest energy structures known as Encodements. You man learn more about these amazing and mostly unknown energy structures by clicking on the link for the special report.
Most importantly, the healing energy of God comes through me more powerfully that ever before.
I am well aware I am an instrument of God's healing love. My greatest desire is to facilitate your healing, and teach you the tools you can use for self healing.
I want to work myself out of a job!
If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me through my email cathy@odysseytowholeness.com
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi.