It's Time to Super Power Your Immune System
We're at a time when everything is changing including variations of all microbes, including viruses and bacteria.
This completely revised Encodement Intensive brings in more complete information to strengthen your immune system.

Your Immune System keeps all the microbes in your body balanced. When in balance, you are a "happy camper" upon this planet. When microbes are out of balance there is illness, pain, and discomfort.
You have between 39 to 100 TRILLION microbes on and in your body, give or take a few.
You are their world and you need them. If you cleared all the microbes in your gut, you wouldn't be able to digest your food. As long as your body is balanced and your immune system is strong, you will have no problems.
Your immune system is affected by much more than microbes:
Genetics/Other Lifetimes
Read Below for how each of the above affects your immune system!
Your emotions have an instant effect upon your immune system.
As soon as you have a feeling, your entire neuro-chemistry changes.
When you're happy, serotonin and dopamine are produced. These strengthen your immune system.
When you're angry, sad, or depressed, your brain produces norepinephrine. These stress hormones can weaken your immune system.

You know it, but it is so crucial to your health we need to talk about it.
What you put into your mouth builds or destroys your immune system. Sugar has a negative effect, and most vegetables have a positive effect.
Most processed foods have a negative effect, and home cookin' empowers your immune system.
The healthier your emotions, the stronger your immune system.
The healthier your relationships, the stronger your immune system.
Research has show, over the years, the more relationships you have, the deeper your connections with those you care for, the longer you live.
Balancing relationships is a crucial part of keeping your immune system strong and healthy.

Genetics and Soul History
Your genetics definitely has an impact upon how strong your immune system is.
Everyone needs some balancing regarding their genetics to strengthen the immune system as well as longevity.
Then there is your soul history, your history over lifetimes.
You may have brought in with you, events from other lifetimes which you agreed to balance this lifetime.
During this workshop, we will address both your genetic history and your soul history as it relates to your immune system
This 90 minute Group Encodement Intensive Balances the Encodements of Your Energy Body to Assist in Being Healthy
A strong immune system is not only about microbes. It's also about emotions which weaken it.
Amma guides and directs
Works with your Encodements
A process you can use repeatedly
You work with the creative process
Be Open, Listen, and Allow
With a strong immune system your body knocks out those cells which are growing abnormally.
Your immune system is governed by:
Healthy Relationships
... to name a few.
Subconscious programming
Low vibrations being released in dreams
Interdimensional issues
... and much more.
Read What Others Have Experienced Using Encodements
I am more calm and centered nowadays than I have ever been to myself and others. When I do get triggered, I understand that some part of myself is asking for my attention, and to be healed, and I will often, if not always, reach out to my Soul Healing Angels. I know for a fact that I would have been painfully anxious about the state of the world as it is today with the pandemic and political turmoil as well as the health issues of any number of loved ones but I am much more able to remain reassured that I am, as you so often remind us, loved, and that is no small thing!
Who am I and how did I discover Encodements?
For 20+ years, Dr Cathy has worked with the feminine aspect of God to assist humanity in learning about their smallest energy structures known as Encodements.
In her healing work, she connects with your Healing Team and works with both your Encodement Technicians and your Soul Healing Team.
By working with encodements, she can assist you in making quick and powerful changes in your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic health.

Dr Cathy Chapman
I’m Dr Cathy Chapman, former Catholic Sister of 20 years and now a spiritual seeker in the metaphysical or New Age area.
Here's how to access and make use of this wonderful Encodement Intensive
Look in your inbox for the log-in information.
If the workshop hasn't been held yet, you'll receive all you need to join the Encodement Intensive through the Web or by phone.
If the Intensive has been held, you'll receive the log-in information to access the recordings and transcripts.
Will I be on video?
For the live call, we will be using the website known as zoom. You can join on the web. If you have a camera on your computer or phone, everyone can see you unless you turn your camera off.
Is there an app for my phone for the live call?
Sure is. Just go to where you download your apps and search for "Zoom."
What if I can't join you live?
You'll have access to the transcripts (word and pdf) as well as audio and video recordings. It's as close as you can get to feeling your with us without being on the live call.
Does the healing occur when I'm not on the live call?
You bet it does. Just follow along with the call, and you'll receive the same healing.
Do I need to listen more than once?
Healing occurs in layers. The more often you listen, the more layers are removed. So, yes, please listen more than once.
What if I fall asleep when I'm listening?
Healing still occurs. Your Healing Team is in charge. They will follow along with us. You can always listen to the recording or read the transcript if you want to be sure you received everything.
Register now for lifetime access.
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~ Video
Everything is ready for you to begin your healing within a very few short minutes.