Access The Power of Accepting What Is
When's the last time you had an internal battle because you wanted to change something you had no control over? It happens to the best of us.
The problem is that battle saps your energy. Use this Encodement Intensive to remove energies which accept what it is you cannot change and use your energy for something you can change.
This Encodement Intensive Assists in Increasing Your Energy and Activating Your Power by Accepting What is Happening in Your Life and the World...
This Encodement Intensive Will:
- Change and balance your Encodement System to release the resistance to acceptance
- When your Encodement System is balanced you will be better able to chart your personal path.
- Unleash the energy you're wasting on non-acceptance and use it to change what you can
- Increase your level of trust in Spirit and The Universe.
Why Are So Many Having Difficulty with What is Happening in the World Today?
Yes, the world appears to be in chaos. Your job, however, as a spiritual person is to keep your balance in the chaos. There are things you can do to make a difference. There are problems you can do little about. Battling against what is saps your energy and prevents you from discovering what action you can take and then following through.
Unaware of the fear and frustration of others
People have a tendency to live in their own world and associate with people who think in a similar manner. People have difficulty understanding the fears, frustrations and concerns of those who think differently.
Upset or grieving when family and friends have different values
When others act in a way which you interpret as invalidating you, you feel kicked in the gut. You may feel in danger and wonder, "How could they not understand?" You may question yourself.
Shocked by the differing beliefs
It's not unusual, when you think the world is one way, to be totally shocked, disillusioned and even depressed when you discover a large group of people believe differently.
Confused about Spirit's Plan
You have believed the messages that the world's changing. You thought all was going to be wonderful. People were going to love and respect each other. You forgot the discordance had to be revealed for healing to occur
This Encodement Intensive will assist you in accepting what is happening in the world at large and your life specifically
Suffering Comes from Resisting What Is Happening in Life
If a wall is in front of you, you're going to hurt yourself if you go through it. When you deny what is happening in life, you cause pain and suffering when you resist what you can't change.
You may not like what is happening in the world or in your life, but if you battle against something you can't change, the result is more pain and suffering.
When you accept what you cannot change you unleash the power to find a different path. What is present will not go away. You can only find a way to cope with it, adjust to it, or find a way around it.
If you battle against what you can't change, you use up valuable energy you could spend on a new path or solution to what is happening in your life.
Life isn't easy. There are things which happen that cause you to wonder if you'll be able to live through it. Everything that has happened in your life has given you skills and wisdom. When you're faced with your worst fear, it's time to tap into the strength hiding within you
This Encodement Intensive will assist you by removing the blocks which prevent you from recognizing your personal power. You can then utilize the strength, power and courage you've been building throughout your life.
The Spiritual Path is about acceptance, trust and growth. This is a journey. It's easy to trust when all is going your way.
This Encodement Intensive will remove blocks to trusting Spirit. We'll work with healing the wounds over lifetimes in which you felt betrayed by Spirit.
OK… But How Will We Do This?
Encodements are your smallest energy structures. I will be guiding your Healing Team in repairing Damaged and Altered Natural Encodements as well as Removing Artificial Encodements... these are the ones that don't belong in your Encodement System
MY Healing Guides will give me directions to give to YOUR Healing Team. Your Healing Team consists of your Soul Self, Bodysoul, Encodement Technicians, Soul Healing Angels, and Amma's Healing Friends.
Healing Occurs Over Lifetimes
Your Healing Team searches out the wounds which have occurred in any lifetime: Past, Present, Parallel, and Future. There really is not time so all is happening in the NOW. As they heal the pain over lifetimes, you become stronger. You have greater access to the wisdom you've accumulated.
Your Healing Team Does More than I Ask
Your Healing Team knows the complexities of what needs to happen for YOU. Everyone is different. Your Healing Team Personalizes my instructions to fit your needs. They are here to support you in healing what you wish to heal.
Healing is Interdimension
Energies across lifetimes and across dimensions affect you. What is happening with you is also influenced by your Soul and Monadic Families. Your Healing Team makes it easy to balance and heal in all these ways.
Accepting What Is Encodement Intensive Will Help You in All Areas of Your Life
When you accept that a situation won't change, or that a person won't change, you open yourself to amazing possibilities. You have the opportunity to choose a new path.
Accepting What Is about Yourself
Three things happen when you accept yourself as you are. First, you no longer worry about what you can't change about yourself. Second, you are able to set a realistic plan for what you can change. Third, your mind is clearer and you can see where and what to do now.
Accepting We Have Different Wounds
People have similar wounds but they don't all have the same wounds. People also have varying perspectives of their own and other's wounds. What terrifies you may not terrify another. Accepting these differences, even if you don't understand them, will free up personal energy and bring peace.
Accepting What Is about Others
We humans are such fascinating creatures. We like people to be the way we want them to be. We resist others changing from the way they are. At the same time we want others to change according to our desire. That creates conflict.
It takes tremendous energy to change other people. No matter how anyone attempts to change another, it's impossible. When you accept people as they are, you have a choice: to continue as things are or to make something new for yourself.
In this Encodement Intensive we will work with your Healing Team to resolves those conflicts.
Accepting What Is about Others
You are an infinite being having a finite experience. You had a plan when you came here and are living that plan. There is a plan for this planet. It's moving to higher vibrations, but certain things must happen. For the light to be revealed in its fullness, the darkness which dulls it must be released. Trust it is being done while doing your part to make it better.
Read What Others Have Experienced Using Encodements
I am more calm and centered nowadays than I have ever been to myself and others. When I do get triggered, I understand that some part of myself is asking for my attention, and to be healed, and I will often, if not always, reach out to my Soul Healing Angels. I know for a fact that I would have been painfully anxious about the state of the world as it is today with the pandemic and political turmoil as well as the health issues of any number of loved ones but I am much more able to remain reassured that I am, as you so often remind us, loved, and that is no small thing!
Who am I and how did I discover Encodements?
Most people wouldn’t know it, but the Charismatic movement and the New Age Movement have some strong similarities, two of which are healing and prophecy (channeling as it is called in the New Age realm). When I began to learn energy healing, I discovered an amazing world which challenged me and led to tremendous growth. This also led me out of the convent.
There is a book or two in those last two paragraphs.
After a fascinating automobile accident (if an accident can be fascinating), something happened to me. No, I didn’t have a near death experience. I didn’t even go to the hospital. Chiropractic adjustments took care of my physical body. I did, however, begin to have some deep spiritual experiences. One of those was feeling an energy coming through me and wanting to speak.
This experience of a spiritual being wanting to come through me wasn’t new. I had the same feelings when I was in the Charismatic movement when I was praying in tongues. I just opened my mouth and words came out
“Who are you?” I asked.
“I am Amma the Divine Mother of the divine mothers and I am your mother.” From that point a beautiful relationship developed with the feminine aspect of God.
In the course of her messages to me, she talked about the Energy structures known as Encodements. Over time, through her direction and by sharing them with others, I discovered how powerful adjusting Encodements were.
From these messages about Encodements sprang the Encodement Intensives. I had only planned to have one, but those attending asked for more. And that’s what you have the opportunity to experience now, a group Encodement Intensive.
If you’d like some “factual” information about me… I was a licensed Social Worker for 35+ years working with people, literally, from cradle to grave. I have a Bachelors, Masters and PhD in psychology. The PhD is in Mind-Body Psychology with an emphasis in energy healing and hypnotherapy. I also have a Master’s in Theology from Notre Dame (the only degree from a school well-known).
I live mostly in Sedona AZ yet travel around. I have two fur-children, Frick and Frack.
And, most importantly, I love to do this work and invite you to join us.
Dr Cathy Chapman
I’m Dr Cathy Chapman, former Catholic Sister of 20 years and now a spiritual seeker in the metaphysical or New Age area.
Here's how to access and make use of this wonderful Encodement Intensive
Look in your inbox for the log-in information.
If the workshop hasn't been held yet, you'll receive all you need to join the Encodement Intensive through the Web or by phone.
If the Intensive has been held, you'll receive the log-in information to access the recordings and transcripts.
Does the healing occur when I'm not on the live call?
You bet it does. Just follow along with the call, and you'll receive the same healing.
Do I need to listen more than once?
Healing occurs in layers. The more often you listen, the more layers are removed. So, yes, please listen more than once.
What if I fall asleep when I'm listening?
Healing still occurs. Your Healing Team is in charge. They will follow along with us. You can always listen to the recording or read the transcript if you want to be sure you received everything.
Register Now and Begin Healing in Minutes
Everything is ready for you.
You have both video and audio recordings.
You also have transcripts.
Listen to or read the transcript to the intensive as often as you can.
Healing occurs in layers. The more you listen, the deeper your healing will be.