
Congratulations! You're Signed Up!

You'll receive your first Soul Healing Prayer suggestion in the morning. Just read what's on the email and follow the steps. You will receive healing even though you haven't yet participated in the Group Distance Healing.

On Monday you will receive an email report of what was balanced in your Group Distance Healing Session. I must confess, the only part that may make much sense to you will be the beliefs which are balanced.

Don't worry. All will work perfectly.

If you hadn't downloaded the report on The Soul Healing Prayer, "How the Wounds of the Past Hold You Back," please do so now. Click here.

Register for the Online Group Healing Session below

You Have Successfully Registered. Keep an eye out for an email from Dr. Cathy shortly.

Register for the 8-Week Online Group Healing Session below

You Have Successfully Registered. Keep an eye out for an email from Dr. Cathy shortly.