How to Help Change the World Assisting Others Establish Peace and Balance
Do You Feel the Call to Help Amma Bring the Power of Encodements to the World?
Encodements. Your Smallest Energy Structures.
From: Dr. Cathy Chapman
Date: Thursday 8:30 am
The information about Encodements was revealed in 2002. In 2014 I first taught people in how to work with them to assist themselves and others. It was an amazing experience.
Now, according to Amma, it is time to bring this information to the world.
There are hundreds of workshops teaching you how to work with the most commonly known energy structures. These workshops train you how to manipulate the aura, chakras, meridians and other structures.
Encodements are different from other energy structures in that they are the building blocks of everything.
Working with Encodements is easy. You have powerful helpers known as Encodement Technicians. You simply talk to them, informing them of what you want. They then work with the Encodements and make the changes. The process is truly "Ask and you shall receive!"
I always considered Encodements to be simple to work with. Just connect with the Encodement Technicians and ask them to make changes.
Now, I know working with Encodements requires you to be in your Heart Source, form a heart-to-heart connection, listen to your inner knowing, and connect with your Healing Team.
Now Amma is Forcefully Whispering in My Heart to Ask You to Help!
The information about Encodements was given to me over a period of years beginning in 2002. I learned about Encodements from the best teacher available, Amma the Divine Mother, the feminine aspect of God.
She's shared with me information. Amma's asked her Healing Friends, who I call Amiya, to give me information for the Encyclopedia of Healing, the eighth book just completed and soon to be sent to the publisher. All of these use Encodements to bring healing and balance to the various parts of the energy field, heal birth wounds, relieve trauma, and enhance relationships.
And, since I've used Encodements in my life and for my clients, I know how to use them. I can teach others, I can teach you, about Encodements and how to work with them for your healing.
I can teach you how to use Encodements to enhance your own healing practice, or you informal practice working with family and friends.
Before You Read On!
I don't want you to waste your time reading this letter if you don't fulfill the qualifications.
You must be willing to stretch emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.
You need to be ready for the unexpected.
You must be willing to engage in your own self-healing.
To be sure you are ready to take this training, you must have attending two of the Group Encodement Intensives. If you haven't, and you feel drawn to be a Code Coach, please click on this link to order two of the Group Encodement Intensives. I have personally selected them as the most critical Encodement Intensives for a Code Coach to experience.
Introducing: Code Coach
The first Code Coach Training was in Sedona in October of 2014. We had a grand time and learned a great deal. There were others who contacted me and asked me to develop a Code Coach training they could enjoy from the comfort of their own homes.
Now you have this course.
Those of you who come to the first on-line training in July and August of 2015 are will assist me in developing this training. If you have questions, puzzlements, concerns, insights or comments, they become part of this course.
I am distilling the three days of training we did in Sedona to eight 1.5 to 2.0 hour sessions spread over 4 weeks. Sorry, but I won't be able to take you on a hike to beautiful and powerful Bell Rock, but I'll show you some pictures if you'd like.
I'll go through the content of each module below, but let me give you a general idea of the format of this course.
Audios, videos, handouts and experiential work
- Most of the work will be done through teleseminars. All sessions will be recorded and available for you to listen to as often as you wish.
- You will also have access to handouts which will support you in your work as a Code Coach.
- There will also be some videos to give you further instruction.
- Part of your training will be you working with one or more people to hone your skills as a Code Coach.
- You'll have two sessions a week for the next five weeks.
It will be an exciting and expansive experience for you.
Let me give you a brief description of what will happen over these five weeks.
Week 1:
Channeled Messages and Encodement Intensive for Preparation
You will start off with a bang to get you ready to do this amazing work as a Code Coach. You'll hear from Amma and the importance of being a Code Coach. We'll also do a Group Encodement Intensive to balance and harmonize your Encodements.
For the second session that week you'll hear from the Encodement Formulator. S/he will discuss the Formulator's role in Encodement work as well as what your role can be.
- Hear Amma's message about your role in Encodement balancing
- Removing fears and preparing your Encodement system for your work as a Code Coach
- The Encodement Formulator will discuss the various roles of those who work with Encodements
- Meeting those who guide us in this work: Melchizedek, Metatron, Archangel Micha-el, the Encodement Team
Once you've completed the first week of the Code Coach Training, you'll be ready to begin the more in-depth training to work with others as a Code Coach.
Week 2:
Connecting with Your Client and the Encodement Team
In Week 1 you prepared your energy. Now you will learn powerful steps to prepare yourself and connect with your client for their Personal Encodement Intensive. Just as the preparation of Week 1 is important for your own growth and development as a Code Coach, your Heart Source preparation and establishing your Sacred Space is also crucial.
(Below you'll discover a special bonus for those registering for training as a Code Coach. This bonus is specific methods to work from your Heart Source. This will strengthen you as a Code Coach. A $497 value.)
Inside Module 2, you'll discover...
- The power of your Heart Source
- Safely and powerfully connecting with others
- The 8 different Encodement Personnel
- The different types and purpose of Encodements and
When you finish this module you'll know how to connect with others and access the various members of the Encodement Team to assist you.
"Takes Healing to the Next Level"
The techniques demonstrated in "Code Coaching" take healing to the next level because they enable participants to repair and release Encodements holding in low vibration energy.
"Raising Your Vibration"
Learning to Stay in my heart has made a huge difference. I am more joyful and less anxious. It has opened me to Amma and St. Michael’s Love. Spinning my Chakra’s everyday has released all low vibrations.
Week 3:
Developing Your Own "Map" or "Plug-ins" for Working with Encodements with Your Clients
Since attended Group Encodement Intensives you have experienced the use of plug-ins. You know how much time using a plug-in saves in working with your clients. Very simply an Encodement Plug-in incorporates two or more steps (usually 5 or more steps) which you would need to ask individually of your Encodement Team. A process which would take you 5-minutes is contracted into a step which will take a minute. This makes a huge difference in working with others... or with yourself.
This module will be different in that you will have a video explaining how to develop your own Encodement Plug-in. In the video I'll demonstrate exactly what I do when I'm developing the handouts for the Group Encodement Intensive.
In Part 2 of this week, instead of a tele-conference, you will create your very on plug-in. You might want to refine some of the plug-ins you'll receive as part of the workshop. You may make these plug-ins as simple or complex as you desire.You'll send it to me by email and I'll review it giving you comments and suggestions.
- Explore how to develop your own Encodement Plug-ins
- Develop your Encodement Plug-in to use personally or with others
- Your very own plug-in will be reviewed by me personally. I'll give you any suggestions needed.
Once you complete Week 3 you have the basic building blocks to be a Code Coach. Now it's time to use those building blocks and be a Code Coach. We'll talk about that in the next week.
Week 4:
Working with Others
This week you will work with someone else as a Code Coach. That someone else may be another member of the group, someone in your family, a friend or client (if you already have a healing practice).
I know this can by scary if you've not worked with others before. That's why in Part 1 of this week we will have an Encodement Intensive addressing an fears or insecurities in this area.
In Part 2 you will choose someone to work with as a Code Coach. The next week the group will discuss what happened and ask questions.
- Encodement Intensive to release fears and insecurities and instill confidence in working with others.
- A step-by-step handout in the format to follow
- The opportunity to be a Code Coach and put all you've learned into practice
According to Amma the Divine Mother...
The more you participate in healing yourself and others, the more quickly the vibration of the planet will rise. You will come to experience yourself more deeply as Love Incarnate.
Now you're ready to go onto the final week of Level 1 Code Coach training! Review and Graduation...
"Encodements Have Made Me More Confident"
Encodements have made me more confident in myself, and have made a change in my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual outlook on life for the better.
"Our World Will Become More Peaceful"
Cathy's basic formula for healing Encodement Systems is very flexible and can be used for a variety of situations. As more people learn these techniques, our communities, our countries, and our world will become more peaceful.
Week 5:
Review and Graduation!
In the first call of this week you will be able to review your first experiences as a Code Coach. You have the opportunity to ask questions, receive clarification and experience how wonderful you are... even if you say, "But I wasn't perfect."
In the second call you will hear from Amma and others on the inner plane. They will give you a blessing and hold a graduation ceremony for you. How wonderful is that?
Gain support for your work as a Code Coach
Receive messages and blessings for all you have done from Amma and others
at Graduation!
Bonus 1:
The Heart Source: Activating Personal Power
This is a 10 week course which will take you through the powerful experience of strengthening and using your Heart Source in ways you didn't know you could.
The Heart Source: Activating Personal Power is a course I've been working on for a year. I'm ready to open it up to all those who wish to expand as spiritual beings. Even if you've been using your Heart Source for years, this will be a perfect course for you as a Code Coach.
Further strengthen your Heart Source and stay calm and centered when the world is in chaos
Discover how to use the Heart Source to protect you from low vibration energies such as fear and anger projected onto you by others
Learn to connect easily and respectfully with others and gather intuitive information which will assist you in personal relationships
Experience methods of healing which will release low vibration energies trapped within your physical body and energy field.
Bonus 2:
Code Coach Private Blog
As you go through your Code Coach training and especially afterwards, you may have questions or topics you would like discussed more fully. In the Code Coach Blog, which will be password protected, I will answer general questions about being a Code Coach, Encodements in general and other topics relevant to your work as a Code Coach.
Bonus 3:
Email Access to Me
During your training as a Code Coach you will have questions you may need to have answered quickly. During the time of your training you will have access to me by email. I will answer your questions as quickly as possible. How you are doing during this powerful training is important to me.
When you register for the Code Coach Training...
Here's Everything You'll Get Instantly,
As Soon As You Join the
Code Coach
Training Course...
Module 1: Channeled Messages and Encodement Intensive
- Hear from Amma the Divine Mother
- Hear from The Encodement Formulator
- Experience a Code Coach Group Encodement Intensive to remove fears, anxieties and other blocks to being a Code Coach.
(Value $97)
Module 2: Connecting with Your Client and the Encodement Team
- The power of your Heart Source
- Safely and powerfully connecting with others
- The 8 different Encodement Personnel
The different types and purpose of Encodements
(Value $97)
Module 3: Developing Plug-Ins for Your Clients
- Explore developing your own Encodement Plug-ins
- Develop your Encodement Plug-in to use personally or with others
- Your very own plug-in will be reviewed by me personally. I'll give you any suggestions needed.
(Value $97)
Module 4: Working with Others
- Encodement Intensive to release fears and insecurities and instill confidence in working with others.
- A step-by-step handout in the format to follow
- The opportunity to be a Code Coach and put all you've learned into practice
(Value $97)
Module 5: Bringing it together and Graduation
- Gain support for your work as a Code Coach
- Receive messages and blessings for all you have done from Amma and others
- Graduation!
(Value $97)
Bonus 1: The Heart Source: Activating Personal Power (Value $497.00)
Bonus 2: Code Coach Private Blog (Value $97.00)
Bonus 3: Email Access to me (Value $97.00)
Total Real World Value Today: $1,176.00
Your Price Today: Just $497
And It Comes with This 30-Day "No Questions Asked" Priority Guarantee!
My promise to you is you will experience personal growth and spiritual expansion during this Code Coach training. If, after 30 days, you do not believe this training has fulfilled your expectations, please send me an email and let me know. Your money will be returned with blessings.
But I'm confident you'll find the training supplies you with more growth than you expected and that you will enjoy being a Code Coach for yourself or with others.
Single Payment Option
$497 one time payment- Payment is by Credit Card or Pay Pal
- Please email me if you wish to pay in another way
Payment Plan Option
4 payments- 4 Payments of $125
- one now and three more 30 days apart
- Payment is by credit card only
- Final payment: Mon, Jan 16, 2023

Hi. I'm Dr. Cathy
You want someone skilled, someone who knows what she is doing to assist you.
Since I don’t know what help you would like, let me tell you something about myself. That way you can decide if we’re a good fit.
I’m Cathy Chapman and I’ve been a psychotherapist since 1976. I moved to Sedona, AZ in 2013 and my social work license didn’t transfer with me.
If you would like to schedule an appointment, please contact me through my email
If interested, I’d be glad to share more about my life story. Just keep reading.
However, if you’d prefer to read about the healing tools I use, please go here.
I began life as what is known as a “cradle Catholic.” The French side of my family has been Roman Catholic for centuries. I was a pretty traditional Catholic for my childhood and teen years.
Those fruitful 20 years taught me much about spiritual growth, living with others and the struggle to be my authentic self.
P.S. Code Coach is a powerful training program designed for you to learn to do the Encodement Intensives you have participated in. The information in this training will serve you individually as well as with family and friends. Code Coach is also a powerful adjunct to your own healing practice.
P.P.S. After signing up, you will receive a confirmation email. This email will tell you how to access the calls. I will notify you by email when it is time to begin the training The Heart Source: Activating Personal Power.